Posted in Speech

Shitty speech. Kinda almost literally.

So I can get shit and shit into the shit, so I can shit the shit into the shit.

Me, just now, out loud.  I was actually trying to talk myself through taking some meds.

I said at some point I’d write more about speech.  That’s an example from a few minutes ago of using entirely cuss words and what I call “corner words”, to create a sentence that makes sense to me at least.  This isn’t fluent speech (which I have sometimes these days), this is closer to what my baseline speech has been for a couple years.

What a cussword is is self-explanatory.  Corner words are what I call words that “fill in the corners” of sentences.  I know a lot of phrases that use corner words, that I utter as whole phrases.  (Like “so I can” isn’t three words to me, it’s one word.)  This can allow for a surprising approximation of fluency under the right circumstances.

If you’re wondering, this sentence actually translates to “So I can put hydrocortisone and propranolol into the cup of meds, so I can put these meds into the feeding tube.”  It only makes sense in context, obviously.

Cusswords are not just tics for me.  I have cussing tics.  I also have spontaneous cussing (like the kind just about everyone has).  And I seem to have the use of cusswords as all-purpose placeholders. (I don’t have any of these things all the time, but when I do, that’s how it plays out.)  There’s a reason for my blog title.  Well, lots of reasons, but this is one.  I cuss a lot.  It’s my most reliable spoken words.  Sometimes my only ones.  That goes over really well.

Putting meds into my feeding tube.
Putting meds into my feeding tube.